Fall 2018 Meeting Recap: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

SNAILS members gathered at the beautiful, newly remodeled Algonquin Area Public Library on November 29, 2018 for our fall meeting. In August, members shared their desire to bring more discussion to our meetings, so we began by talking about a couple of picture books. Discussion Benny Doesn't Like to be Hugged by Zetta Elliott This new paperback title addresses the sensory sensitivity of a little boy as told by his friend. It includes what Benny likes to eat, play, and wear, as well as the sounds he avoids and how his social interactions sometimes differ from others. The book is filled with diverse characters and short, rhyming sentences with a repetitive refrain. It's a solid introduction to unique differences and the importance of accepting friends just as they are. Isaac and His Amazing Asperger Superpowers! by Melanie Walsh We discussed use of the word 'Asperger' in this title when the DSM-5 no longer includes a specific diagnosis of Asperger's b...