Spring 2016 Professional Development Opportunities
One of the best things about working in libraries are the many avenues for feeding our need to learn and improve our services. In addition to our quarterly SNAILS meeting on May 11 at Mount Prospect Library, there are a number of upcoming learning opportunities on the topic of serving people with disabilities this spring. CONFERENCES If you're attending the inaugural Illinois Youth Services Institute (IYSI) in Normal, Illinois April 1-2 , you may want to check out the following programs: Enhancing Stories with Sensory Experiences presented by our friends at Lekotek All Are Welcome: Practicing Inclusion and Accessibility presented on Saturday afternoon by yours truly, Renee Grassi and Holly Jin. Renee and I are pretty pumped about our session, as this is our first hands-on workshop! You may also want to consider attending Tactile Tech: Adventures in Making Technology Accessible to Children and Families since new technologie...